As an artist, Saddam Jumaily is known for his exceptional talent in painting, but he has also demonstrated his skills in other areas such as design and writing. Regardless of the medium, Jumaily's works are consistently characterized by their philosophical depth and thoughtfulness. Memory and nostalgia are recurring themes in both his paintings and written work, and it is likely that Jumaily's personal experiences of moving between countries and seeking a sense of belonging have influenced this focus on nostalgia.

In his paintings, Jumaily frequently employs symbolism as a way to convey emotion and offer a glimpse into the ongoing chaos and turmoil that people in the region have experienced in the last two decades. In his own words, Jumaily sees painting as "an opportunity to emote," and his art serves as a way to express and explore the complex and often difficult experiences of those around him.

Born in Basra, Iraq in 1974, Jumaily currently resides in Amman, Jordan, where he continues to create and share his art with the world. His commitment to creating thought-provoking and emotionally resonant works has earned him a reputation as a talented and dedicated artist, and he shows no signs of slowing down in his pursuit of creating meaningful and impactful art.

Bio data provided by the artist and edited by Abdulah Al-Ghoul at Dar Al-Anda

Saddam’s artworks are available exclusively online through our partner gallery, Marsoum Art Collective